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Viscous, unscented neutral detergent of superior quality. For manual dishwashing or general purpose cleaning. Recommended dilution 1:1000 (1ml per 1000ml warm water).

Viscous, chlorine based high foaming disinfectant detergent. For use on floors and walls. Powerful oxidiser that degreases surfaces, oxidiser organic matter and eliminates bacteria. Recommended dilution 1:50 (100ml per 5l water).

Concentrated multi purpose cleaner degreaser. For use on food contact surfaces. i.e. work tops, displays etc. Recommended dilution Glass: 1:200, Work Tops: 1:50.

Organic chlorine based powdered sanitiser coveniently packed in 30g sachets. For use on work tops as part of a "Clean as you go" system. Contains a UV stabaliser with controlled chlorine release technology to extend the activity of prepared solutions. Recommend dilution 1 x 30g sachet per 10l water.

Highly concentrated disinfectant detergent for complete sanitisation and peace of mind. Contains a single and twin branched QAC effective against gram positive and negative bacteria, yiests, moulds and spores. Recommended dilution 1:100 (10ml per 1000ml water).

Powerful degreaser for use on Oven & Grills. Quickly softens and removed baked on oil and grim. Does not contain Sodium Hydroxide (Caustic Soda).

Viscous alcohol based "Instant" hand sanitiser with residue protection. Thickened to provide complete non-drip coverage during application and dries rapidly without the need to rinse.

Unscented anti-septic hand cleaner specifically designed to be gentle on skin for continuous daily use. Contains moisturisers and humectants for skin protection.


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